Monday, October 31, 2011


Recently, I think my old me is coming back to look for me..
I just realize that RIGHT NOW in my heart..
I have sOmEtHing to say but it cant be said~ Why? Because....
I have no riGht to say so and do So..
The only thing I can do right now is....... I also don know..
How I wish I can say I miss you right now by texting you..
How I wish I can talk to you right now...
How I wish I can chat with you whether on FB or MSN or anything else..
If only these WISH would come true~!... & Maybe it will.. SomEdaY?
Haha... Who am I kiDDing?
Anyways.. To my frens who would view my Blog, You're the Best~! & don't think that I eMo ya.. Because this is just a reGreT letter to myself.. That's all.. Haha...

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